Pursuing truth of the collision from a juridical perspective: A case report


This case report describes the process of exploring the truth about the death traffic accident. The Victim A riding a scooter collided with the microbus in a two-way road and caused the death of Victim A. The litigation is divided into four stages, there are: the first investigation ended with no prosecution, from the first petition for continuing investigation to closed continuing investigation without the prosecution, from the second petition for continuing investigation to the petition was rejected, and the petition pleadings for trail has been submitted to the Court. This report shows the evidence and the exploration process for each litigation stage in the order of occurrence. The report uses physical evidence to support facts, and combines facts to infer claims. This method of evidence-based, fact-based inference can effectively pursue for the truth of traffic accidents, reveal a large amount of physical evidence, and provide follow-up research.



Road traffic accident, Accident reconstruction, Accident investigation, Forensic science

Citation information

Wang Jian Yi, Li Ping Fan, Luo Fang Fang, Wu Chun Liang, Pursuing truth of the collision from a juridical perspective: A case report, 3rd International Symposium on Sino Swiss Evidence Science( ISSSES 2018).

Authors’ information

Corresponding author at: Summerhill RTA Research Foundation, No.96, Wufuxincun, Zhunan Township, Miaoli County 350, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

E-mail addresses: summerhill.org@gmail.com (Wu CL)

Tel: +886 37 582514