Evidence of the Video Records Application in the Reconstruction of the Traffic Accident – Case Report


The development of video recorder industry is prosperity, nowadays. People would like to install in the living environment due to the powerful function and reasonable price of the video recording product. The majority practice is the representation of the dynamic history using the video records by frame or continuous images. Recently widely gaining the popularity among the Traffic accident identification agencies, is for the accident reconstruction purpose. The Admissibility and reliability are both required property of the legal evidence. The video recorder equipment is legal scientific instruments. If the procedure is flawless, the court will usually admit the admissibility of the video records. The research analyze the local court in the past three years, and found that: about 80% of traffic accidents, of which more than 90% of the roadside or intersection monitor video, less than 10% of the vehicle video recorder. All of them introduced to prove the collision process. In order to enhance the use of video recorders in the reconstruction of road traffic accidents, this paper analyzes the real cases. The video records were dedicated by the accident parties, revealing the essential information, the significance of the information attributes, and how to combine with other evidence in the case. Multidimensionally explore the use of video records evdience in the traffic accident reconstruction, respectedly. There is no similar study or literature, and it is expected that the results of this study will provide a reference for the reconstruction of road traffic accidents.



Road Traffic accident(RTA), Video records, Reconstruction, Evidence

Citation information

Wu Chun Liang, Xu Qu, Ai-Yun Wu, Evidence of the Video Records Application in the Reconstruction of the Traffic Accident – Case Report, The Traffic Safety and Law Enforcement Conference in 2017. (in Chinese)

Authors’ information

Corresponding author at: Summerhill RTA Research Foundation, No.96, Wufuxincun, Zhunan Township, Miaoli County 350, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

E-mail addresses: summerhill.org@gmail.com (Wu Chun Liang),

Tel: +886 37 582514